Peregrine falcon speed 247 lure
Peregrine falcon speed 247 lure

While there are few ecological barriers in the west in the form of mountain ranges, the EAF contains extensive island chains at its eastern fringe and the vast Indo-Australian archipelago spanning the tropical belt. Compared to the African-Eurasian and the American flyways, the EAF is geographically more varied with an uneven distribution of landmass across boreal-temperate and tropical latitudes ( Nisbet, 1976). The East Asian Flyway (EAF) as defined here overlaps with the eastern hemisphere (east of the 90 th meridian), including the western Pacific Ocean ( McClure, 1974, 1984 Nisbet, 1976 Yong et al., 2015), and spans arctic, boreal, temperate and tropical biomes ( Figure 1).

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Given that migratory species have geographically complex life cycles that connect breeding, stopover and non-breeding sites over large areas, they are especially vulnerable to threats along their migratory routes ( Runge et al., 2014, 2015). Over time, climate change is expected to disrupt ecological and environmental processes that may affect migration and reproduction, for instance, by driving spatio-temporal mismatches in food resources ( Carey, 2009). The decline of many species has been linked to anthropogenic changes in habitat conditions, such as habitat loss and fragmentation ( Robinson and Wilcove, 1994) intensified by climate change ( Lloyd-Evans and Atwood, 2004 Sanderson et al., 2006 Vickery et al., 2014 Gilroy et al., 2016).

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Migratory species declines and the associated drivers are well documented for birds that migrate between North America and the Neotropics ( Robinson and Wilcove, 1994 Lloyd-Evans and Atwood, 2004 Bennett et al., 2018) and for species that breed in Europe and winter in Sub-Saharan Africa ( Bibby, 1992 Sanderson et al., 2006 Vickery et al., 2014 Beresford et al., 2019), but less so for other regions. The decline of migratory species is a global conservation concern ( Wilcove and Wikelski, 2008) across the world’s major flyways ( Lloyd-Evans and Atwood, 2004 Galbraith et al., 2014 Beresford et al., 2019). Important knowledge gaps to be addressed include (1) threats affecting species in different parts of their annual cycle, (2) range-wide population trends, (3) ecological requirements and habitat use during the non-breeding season, and (4) the conservation status of critical wintering sites (including understudied farming landscapes, such as rice fields) and migration bottlenecks along the flyway. While the conservation of migratory landbirds in this region has largely focused on unsustainable hunting, there are other threats, such as habitat loss and increased agro-chemical use driven directly by land cover change and climate-related processes. Strong declines have been detected in buntings (Emberizidae) and other long-distance migrants. Yet the East Asian Flyway also supports the highest number of threatened species among flyways. The distribution and migration ecology of East Asian landbirds is still inadequately known, but a recent explosion in the number of studies tracking the migration of raptors, cuckoos, kingfishers and passerines has greatly increased our knowledge about the stopover and wintering ecology of many species, and the migratory routes that link northeast Eurasia and the Asian tropics. This diversity is a consequence of the varied ecological niches provided by biomes ranging from broadleaf forests to arctic tundra and accentuated by complex biogeographic processes. With nearly 400 migratory landbird species, the East Asian Flyway is the most diverse of the world’s flyways. 11Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Evolução, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.

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10School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.9College of Engineering, IT and Environment, Charles Darwin University, Casuarina, NT, Australia.8Streaked Reed Warbler Project, Manila, Philippines.7Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.6Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan, Russia.5Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Bioresources, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.

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4Conservation Science Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.3Bangladesh Spoon-billed Sandpiper Conservation Project, Dhaka, Bangladesh.2Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster, Münster, Germany.1BirdLife International (Asia), Tanglin International Centre, Singapore, Singapore.

peregrine falcon speed 247 lure

Chowdhury 3,4, Chang-Yong Choi 5, Pavel Ktitorov 6, Olga Kulikova 6, Alexander Kondratyev 6, Philip D. Ding Li Yong 1*, Wieland Heim 2, Sayam U.

Peregrine falcon speed 247 lure