Once you do that, they will be less likely to be attacked by a Manta unless you bump into it head on. The best method I can recommend for taming one of these guys is to apply bug repellant to yourself. The one thing that you’ll notice when trying to tame one of these is that it is extremely aggressive so taming it can be a bit difficult. You tame the Manta passively which means that you do not have to knock it out in order to tame it. You can find Angler Gel by killing either Anglers or Deathworms. When you decide its time that you would like to tame one of these aquatic beasts, know that you’ll need a lot of Angler Gel.
Manta ark dossier how to#
If you have your own server and would like to spawn one, enter the following into the console: admincheat summon Manta_Character_BP_C How to Tame the Manta

Note that if you want to ride one you will need a Manta Saddle which requires level 30 to unlock and use. Killing one will yield Raw Fish Meat and they can be carried by Kaprosuchus, Megalosaurus, and Tusteuthis. Mantas are found commonly in any of the waters of the island and are quite abundant. You will usually find Mantas in groups as they like to travel together.

If you find yourself even near one of these creatures, know that it will become aggressive towards you and attack you. The Manta is an extremely aggressive creature.